Friday, February 26, 2010

I'm here!

Well I'm in the hospital getting ready for my first treatment in a couple hours, can't wait! That was a joke! I ended up finding a wig last weekend and it's pretty cute. I'll post a pic soon. I decieded not to shave my head until I have to in about 6 days, but I'm ready for it. My doc said I'll be really sick for the first 2 days of chemo so you might not here from me until after that. My moms here with me keeping me company and Josh is home taking care of our babies. luv u all!


  1. You have an amazing look on life!!! I've been thinking bout you all day....I love you!!! xoxo

  2. Hair or no hair, you are so beautiful it won't make a difference. What a good daddy Josh is! I hope the sickness passes by quickly. We love you guys!

  3. Hey Girly...we have been thinking about you. It's Tuesday so hopefully you are feeling better by today. Being sick sucks! So what does your wig look like? I remember in high school you wore a short, black wig...I think to a party or something. I just remember thinking how dang cute you looked and thought I could never look that cute with short, black hair! When do you go back home? And then how long until you go back for another treatment? Or is it a one time thing? And how is Maryland? Is it super cold out there right now? Sorry for the 100 questions...Nate isn't very good at getting info from Josh:) We are praying for you and thinking about you often. Hopefully we can get together and do something fun really soon...WE LOVE YOU!!

  4. Yo Blondie!

    Can't wait to see you at school.

    Take care.


  5. Thinking about you! Love you and miss you! And I too remember you wearing that cute Pulp Fiction/Uma Thurman black wig - you looked so cute with it! So don't worry about how you are going to look b/c you can never look bad.

    I miss you so much and am confident you will be making a full recovery soon.


