Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I'm back in the hospital and I'm bored to death. I'm about to do my 3rd treatment, and so far so good. Josh already left this morning and went to work, so now I'm waiting for my mom to get here and keep me company. I guess I'll play some solitaire now, luv u all!


  1. Wow already 3 treatments? You rock! Hang in there...miss and luv you!!!

  2. Hi Amanda,
    I hope you got my email I sent you. I am devastated by the news of your cancer. I love you and know you are going to pull through this. Hang in there. I am so glad you have such a strong family support system by your side and 4 adorable little faces to come home to.

    I love you!



  3. Hi Amanda,

    Wow three treatments, that's amazing. How many this time? The same as last time. You can do it, I know you can!!! I wish I was there so that I could keep you some company. I am so impressed my drive. When I read your entry about still going into class and taking not one but two test...I am inspired by you. I love you and keep up the great work. With his stripes we are healed.


  4. I meant, I am impressed by your drive. I need to proof read what I am writing sometimes. M

  5. Hey, how about I email the labs and lectures from Dr. Tex?! Best thing for boredom, right?

    Seriously, we are STILL thinking (and praying) about you. Every day Stacie asks me, "What's going on with Amanda?" She'll be pleased to hear that you share her love of Solitaire. Is there a World Series of Solitaire?

    Hurry up with your treatments and get back to class, Slacker! I miss you.

  6. Hey Miss Amanda,

    Been thinking about you all day!!!! Girl, the solution is word searches and a novel:) I'm totally missing you and can't wait for our lunch date. Please call me anytime you get too borred and we'll start working on ideas for the Christmas party!!

    I love you lady and you are so very missed!

    bunches of hugs!!

  7. Hey Amanda,
    I just heard the news and I wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and your family.

    Anna Quiroz-Magallanez

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. woops! hit the wrong button...Amanda, you are so awsome! just wanted to let you know how proud we are of you. you are such an inspiration of pure determination we love you so much and cant wait for you to come home.We keep you in our prayers every nite and day. I wear my "amanda bracelet" faithfully to remind me of what an amazing strength you are to all of you friends and especially to us your family. Our hearts are yours,
    love Mom and Dad Wood!!

  10. Hi Amanda, Keep at it girl! Nicki, Sarah, Myklen and I are thinking of you.
